Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mr. “99% the Rest of us” and the 1% Leech

During the end of George W. Bush’s second term, Mr. “99% the Rest of us” was brought to the emergency room. He did not feel well – actually, he felt pretty bad. Over eight years, the Republican doctors treated him with a therapy, he did not believe anymore, was good for him. “We need to feed the “1% Leech” on your skin more! If he does well, it will trickle down to your body and make you feel better”, they told him.
Mr. “99% the Rest of us” was in need of intensive care. He did not trust them anymore and changed the doctor.
Dr. Obama put him on life support and made sure, he got the so badly needed infusions. Vital organs needed a bailout and had to be kept from collapsing... actually, the whole body was in danger. Two wars were strangling his throat and kept him from breathing enough oxygene – too much blood and fluids were drawn from him, by sending important body functions overseas and the “1% leech” on his skin kept sucking more and more from him. Dr. Obama gave Mr. “99% the Rest of us” the right treatment, the right medicine and lots of hope!
Mr. “99% the rest of us” is recovering. He’s doing better by the month, even as the Republican doctors try allmost everything they can, to sabotage Dr. Obama’s treatment.

Today, after four years and Mr. “99% the rest of us” being on the way to full recovery, the republican doctors want to make everyone believe, their medicine is better, than Dr. Obama’s and only they would know, how to take good care of the patient. Mr “99% the rest of us” doesn’t believe them anymore! Mr “99% the rest of us” is voting Democrat!

PS: The republican doctors have yet to understand: The wrong medicine can kill you - and feeding the “1% leech” more and more, will not trickle down to Mr. “99% the rest of us” and make him feel better – it will slowly suck more and more life out of him and one day, when he finally collapses, also the “1% leech” will dy with him!