Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mr. “99% the Rest of us” and the 1% Leech

During the end of George W. Bush’s second term, Mr. “99% the Rest of us” was brought to the emergency room. He did not feel well – actually, he felt pretty bad. Over eight years, the Republican doctors treated him with a therapy, he did not believe anymore, was good for him. “We need to feed the “1% Leech” on your skin more! If he does well, it will trickle down to your body and make you feel better”, they told him.
Mr. “99% the Rest of us” was in need of intensive care. He did not trust them anymore and changed the doctor.
Dr. Obama put him on life support and made sure, he got the so badly needed infusions. Vital organs needed a bailout and had to be kept from collapsing... actually, the whole body was in danger. Two wars were strangling his throat and kept him from breathing enough oxygene – too much blood and fluids were drawn from him, by sending important body functions overseas and the “1% leech” on his skin kept sucking more and more from him. Dr. Obama gave Mr. “99% the Rest of us” the right treatment, the right medicine and lots of hope!
Mr. “99% the rest of us” is recovering. He’s doing better by the month, even as the Republican doctors try allmost everything they can, to sabotage Dr. Obama’s treatment.

Today, after four years and Mr. “99% the rest of us” being on the way to full recovery, the republican doctors want to make everyone believe, their medicine is better, than Dr. Obama’s and only they would know, how to take good care of the patient. Mr “99% the rest of us” doesn’t believe them anymore! Mr “99% the rest of us” is voting Democrat!

PS: The republican doctors have yet to understand: The wrong medicine can kill you - and feeding the “1% leech” more and more, will not trickle down to Mr. “99% the rest of us” and make him feel better – it will slowly suck more and more life out of him and one day, when he finally collapses, also the “1% leech” will dy with him!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Christie buzz increases.... Really ???

Chris Christie will not run for President... he might not be the smartest, but he is smarter than that! He knows, also in 2012 no Republican will have a chance to beat President Obama! Nancy Reagan can say, whatever she wants...

But.... I would LOVE to see the President tie into this bloated gas bag know it all. And would someone please tell Nancy she is old--really old--news and to stop trying to manipulate American politics. She is the ultimate has been. (She would have been a never was if Saint Ronnie hadn't been out of his mind 90% of the time.)

Another thing... could we afford to feed him if he gets elected? Sure... - we can cut Medicare and Social Security and disaster relief and all sorts of other programs...

My advice to Christie: Buy a treadmill and put the pizza down, so you'll be around the next time... :-)

2012 will be a lot of fun... :-)  ...Christie, Joe the Plumber, Rush Oxycontin Lintball... does it really matter... if you see a bunch of clowns, a circus can't be too far behind!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Texas Wildfires

Perry viewed the fire from the air and conferred with local officials. He said seeing the fire was a "surreal" experience. "I've seen a number of big fires in my life," he said. "This is as mean looking as I've ever seen, particularly because it was so close to the city."


OK Rick... so you've been flying by?

Check with your Brother Cantor, to see if we have any money for Texas. He was the one that said, money for disasters has to come off of future spending, didn't he? What Y'all gonna cut? Pass around the collection plate at the next Perry fund raiser for help! ;) How yall say it in Texas.. Phrase the lord...there ya go!

Well, we know that Texans will accept this as God's judgement upon them and will not ask for any federal disaster aid or crop-loss insurance. They will also not question, why they live in an area vulnerable to prolonged droughts. I mean, this is what many Texans say, when disasters hit other areas and we know, they are not hypocrites...right?

Lord, please don't let Perry pray for rain anymore.
He wore out his Carpet!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rick Perry signed Anti-abortion pledg...

Anti-abortion activists cheered news today that Texas Gov. Rick Perry had signed a sweeping pledge promising to use federal government power to curtail abortion.

"Rick Perry is a very good example, that abortions can be a good thing! ...if for example his mother would have had one, instead of giving birth to him!"

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Michele Bachmann: Happy Birthday, Elvis Presley !

Michelle Bachmann today: "Happy Birthday, Elvis!"
Hmmm... the only problem with that is, Elvis Presley died today 34 years ago!

Michele Bachmann, "YOU are an IDIOT!" - How te hell can such a "creature" even think about running for President of the US ???