Chris Christie will not run for President... he might not be the smartest, but he is smarter than that! He knows, also in 2012 no Republican will have a chance to beat President Obama! Nancy Reagan can say, whatever she wants...
But.... I would LOVE to see the President tie into this bloated gas bag know it all. And would someone please tell Nancy she is old--really old--news and to stop trying to manipulate American politics. She is the ultimate has been. (She would have been a never was if Saint Ronnie hadn't been out of his mind 90% of the time.)
Another thing... could we afford to feed him if he gets elected? Sure... - we can cut Medicare and Social Security and disaster relief and all sorts of other programs...
My advice to Christie: Buy a treadmill and put the pizza down, so you'll be around the next time... :-)
2012 will be a lot of fun... :-) ...Christie, Joe the Plumber, Rush Oxycontin Lintball... does it really matter... if you see a bunch of clowns, a circus can't be too far behind!
But.... I would LOVE to see the President tie into this bloated gas bag know it all. And would someone please tell Nancy she is old--really old--news and to stop trying to manipulate American politics. She is the ultimate has been. (She would have been a never was if Saint Ronnie hadn't been out of his mind 90% of the time.)
Another thing... could we afford to feed him if he gets elected? Sure... - we can cut Medicare and Social Security and disaster relief and all sorts of other programs...
My advice to Christie: Buy a treadmill and put the pizza down, so you'll be around the next time... :-)
2012 will be a lot of fun... :-) ...Christie, Joe the Plumber, Rush Oxycontin Lintball... does it really matter... if you see a bunch of clowns, a circus can't be too far behind!
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