Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Christie buzz increases.... Really ???

Chris Christie will not run for President... he might not be the smartest, but he is smarter than that! He knows, also in 2012 no Republican will have a chance to beat President Obama! Nancy Reagan can say, whatever she wants...

But.... I would LOVE to see the President tie into this bloated gas bag know it all. And would someone please tell Nancy she is old--really old--news and to stop trying to manipulate American politics. She is the ultimate has been. (She would have been a never was if Saint Ronnie hadn't been out of his mind 90% of the time.)

Another thing... could we afford to feed him if he gets elected? Sure... - we can cut Medicare and Social Security and disaster relief and all sorts of other programs...

My advice to Christie: Buy a treadmill and put the pizza down, so you'll be around the next time... :-)

2012 will be a lot of fun... :-)  ...Christie, Joe the Plumber, Rush Oxycontin Lintball... does it really matter... if you see a bunch of clowns, a circus can't be too far behind!

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